Handchimes & Handbells
We seek to offer instrumental musical opportunities for various age groups through which individuals may use their gifts in service through music. You are invited to be a part of our music ministry which celebrates the abundance of God’s gifts and reaffirms music’s inspirational, nurturing, and enlightening role in our spiritual lives.
Joyful Bells (JB)
This is a group open to individuals who have a basic proficient understanding of music theory. Ringers play a range of bells each to add to the overall sound of a piece. Ringing education is a large part of instruction in this group.
- Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, in the Bell Room
- Director: Nathan Snyder
Carillon Choir
Advanced bell ringers make up this group of musicians, who study and perform music together. Ringers have advanced knowledge in bell technique and music theory, which adds to the overall competency of the group.
- Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 1:00-2:30 pm, in the Bell Room
- Director: Nathan Snyder
Bell Quartet
Seasonally, the opportunity to ring as part of a bell quartet is offered to those who are able. These small 4-5 ringer groups learn specially arranged music to offer up during worship. Bell quartet ringers learn special skills needed to excel in the quartet ringing experience.
- Groups meet as needed